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Marketing Research

GoPro Final Research Project 

During my Marketing Research course, our class was assigned to form into groups and select a product or brand and figure out how consumers view it. My group selected the GoPro brand. We executed a full S.W.O.T analysis to determine GoPro's market position. Once we determined that GoPro was in the decline phase of the product life cycle, we created a survey using Qualtrics to find out information from consumers regarding what they look for when purchasing a camera and how they view the GoPro brand. Once our survey closed, we analyzed the data using SPSS software. Our group used websites like Buzzsumo and Google Alerts to socially listen to what consumers were saying about GoPro. After the data had been compiled analyzed, we came up with a pitch for GoPro on how they could re-vamp their brand. This course was focused on mastering our infographic skills, so our final presentation was required to be visually pleasing. If you are interested in viewing our presentation please click the PowerPoint presentation. If you are interested in reading our full research report, which includes our entire research process from A-Z, findings, and suggestions, please click the PDF file.  

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